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                                                                  How I Write


Initial Contact

During the initial contact, we will get acquainted with each other. You will tell me what you are looking for and I will tell you about my schedule and see if my writing style will fit your needs.


Discussing the Project and Questionnaire

After our first conversation, I will send you a questionnaire. The questionnaire will give me insights to your company deeper than just who you are and what you are selling. I will use this information to craft a marketing product to persuade your prospects to become your clients.


The sooner you return the questionnaire to me, the sooner I can get to work.  But take your time. It typically takes my clients a week before they return it to me.  I realize I ask for a lot of information in the questionnaire, but that is so I can get a complete picture of who you are as a company and in what direction you want your business to go. 


After we have nailed down the project’s details, I will send you a simple project agreement/contract for you to sign and return.  Once I have both our signatures, I can get to work.

Investment and Getting Started

I only require a 50% deposit on the first project.  Once you become a repeat client, I will bill you when I submit the first draft.  My terms are Net 30.  The remaining 50% is due at the completion of the project.  Project completion is discussed in detail below, in the Final Approval paragraph.



I will begin my research with  the information you provide in the questionnaire. I will thoroughly review your website to gain more insight.  I will also research your competitors’ websites to gain broader awareness of your niche, looking for things they are not saying so that I can make sure I say them for you.  The research should take one to two weeks to ensure I am completely prepared to offer your customers the best information I can find about you and your product.



I will ask you for as much information on your product line as I can get; what has worked in the past and what has not. I may sometimes ask you or your employees for more information about your product. What I am looking for is insight that cannot be found on-line or in a brochure. I’m looking for an “a-ha!”


Review of First Drafts

While performing my research I will build a matrix. This helps me place the features and benefits in an easy-to-read format right in front of me. I will then use the information to begin writing your piece.  I can typically finish the first draft in the same amount of time it takes so research.  So, one week of research will take me one week to complete the first draft.



Of course, any feedback is anticipated and greatly appreciated; I want to get it right. I expect us to revise the copy two or three times before we have a refined piece. Once we have a product we both feel good about, it’s time to let others on your team into the process.


Additional Reviews

Are there others on your team that you want in the review the copy? Perhaps someone on your marketing team or someone directly involved in making the product? These are the same people I would want to interview during my research phase. Their input is vital to making your marketing piece more complete.


At this point, the package is pretty much complete.  Any suggestions from your team should be minor.  Your team’s review should focus on making sure the copy reads well, speaks to your clients and represents your company the best.


Final Approval

This is the most exciting step of the process!  When we agree that your marketing piece is complete and you are ready to launch.  Of course, you can contact me for advice or further clarification.


Transition to New Projects

Once we finish the first project, I’d love to keep helping you. Do you have any outstanding projects you want to move forward with?  Are you stuck on a project you need a fresh perspective?  Would you like to repurpose an old campaign?  Let me know how I can help.


1205 Kirby Street N.E.

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112


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